A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an area within a municipality that is designated for improvements to the commercial district. It allows local businesses and property owners to join together, and, with the support of the municipality, organize, finance and carry out physical improvement and promote economic development in their district. The BIA is overseen by an Executive Board of Management and the budget is established and approved by Town Council.
The Town of Fort Erie currently has three (3) active Business Improvement Areas (BIA's) in the municipality:
By-law No. 2007-179, 2007-180, 2007-183, 2008-167
To improve, beautify and maintain the municipal lands, buildings and structures in the Bridgeburg Station Downtown B.I.A. Promote the area as a business or shopping area and develop and put in place a streetscape and downtown revitalization program.
Composition: 6 citizen appointees and 1 Member of Council
Meeting Schedule: Meet every 3rd Thursday of the month except July & August
Chair: Todd Bews
Vice-Chair: Vince Salvatori
Secretary: Stacie Van Kralingen
Treasurer: Dr. Venu Katta
Councillor: George McDermott
By-law No. 183-07, 147-08, 154-08, 167-08
Composition: 6 citizen appointees and 1 Member of Council
Meetings: 3-4 times a year at the call of the Chair - Crystal Beach Fire hall or private home.
Chair: Kirk Fretz
Secretary: Robin Bannerman
Treasurer: Carolyn Smith
Councillor: Tom Lewis
By-law No. 181-07, 182-07, 183-07, 167-08
To improve, beautify and maintain the municipal lands, buildings and structures in the Ridgeway B.I.A, promote the area as a business and shopping area, and to develop and put in place a streetscape and downtown revitalization program.
Composition: 6 citizen appointees and 1 Member of Council
Meeting Schedule: Monthly
Chair: Chuck Lord
Vice-Chair: Jennifer Wilkinson
Secretary: Jennifer Priestly
Treasurer: Carol LaCivita
Councillor: Joan Christensen
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