The Town of Fort Erie is planning its parks, trails and open spaces for the future.
The Town of Fort Erie's parks and open space system consists of 34 parks. In addition, we have a total of 150 hectares of sports fields, passive parks, natural areas, heritage parks, and civic squares. We also have over 35 kilometres of recreational trails and a variety of waterfront access points.
With a projected population growth of 32% over the next 20 years, the Parks and Open Space Master Plan will provide a long-range and comprehensive strategy to assist with meeting the needs of current and future populations. The Plan will also assist Council in making strategic investments to ensure a healthy community, improve residents' quality of life, and encourage a sustainable environment.
The Master Plan will consider the following:
It will ensure a fair and consistent service delivery model across neighbourhoods within the community.
We invite you to participate in this process by attending the Public Open Houses and emailing us your comments.
A summary of the Master Plan process to date is provided below.
In 2018 February 500+ people took the time to complete the survey and share your thoughts with us - your input will help set the priorities and guide the development of the Parks and Open Space Master Plan.
The Town is conducted an additional round of community engagement to gather a more informed perspective on parks and open spaces post-COVID. In March 2024 over 150 people took the survey.
The first two public open houses occurred on February 15th, 2018. The purpose of this open house was to gather feedback from the community. Three questions were asked relative to our existing park system - what are the strengths, where are the gaps in service, and what should be the priorities for the future.
Parks and Open Space Master Plan Public Open House #1 - PowerPoint Presentation
The second round of public open houses occurred on March 6 and 7th, 2024. The purpose of this open houses was to gather a more informed perspective on parks and open spaces post-COVID.
Parks and Open Space Master Plan Public Open Houses#2,3- PowerPoint Presentation
The town will consolidate the comments received via email, from open houses, stakeholder meetings, and online surveys, and will present a summary of the feedback gathered. Subsequently, a draft Parks and Open Space Master Plan will be created, with the Town anticipating the draft to be ready for review by both the council and the public in late spring.
Community Planning - 905-871-1600
Elizabeth Latif, Parks Planner/ Project Manager - 905- 871- 1600,
Patrick Casey, Planner, The GSP Group - 226-499-6769,
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